"I was using drugs and alcohol to hide from all my emotions and feelings from a pretty young age. I've been in and out of jails since I was 17 which were the only places I could kind of remain sober. Even in jails I could figure out how to use occasionally. I lost complete control over my life to addiction. Some bad things started to happen and my life choices were getting worse. My health was getting worse. I couldn't get up in the morning or go to sleep with out using something. By the grace of God and the staff at the Phoenix house they lead me to be more confident in my self. I've been clean for 7 months today. Life is better today and my life is based on doing the next right thing. Thank you Phoenix house for everything you have taught me. Keep help saving life's. -Max"
"I was unable to get and stay sober despite the many legal and moral consequences that came with my drinking and drug use. Coming into the Phoenix House was not by choice and for awhile I looked at it as another consequence. I have come to realize now that it was not something that was happening to me but rather it was something that was happening for me. The Phoenix House provided me with a safe and supportive environment to begin the healing process with others who have shared the same struggles. With the support of staff and my peers I learned how to love myself and build hope for the possibilities ahead. After leaving the Phoenix House I continued to receive the necessary support from others by being an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous, which included working the 12 steps with a sponsor, regularly attending a home group, maintaining a service commitment and sponsoring other men. Living an honest and sober life allows me to experience a level of peace I did not think was possible. I will be forever grateful to the staff and the opportunity that the Phoenix House gave me as I began my road to recovery. - Joe"
"I've learned a lot from this place and it will always have a special place in my heart. Everyone who works here is truly awesome and will never be forgotten by the ones who come through and makes that change for a better life. - B.R."
"Since leaving the Phoenix House, my life has been able to flourish. I have gained successful employment, stable housing and attend meetings regularly. I am back to coaching volleyball. These are all the things that were given back to me as a result of believing in myself and doing hard work. The Phoenix House gave me my life back and the tools to cope. I understand what it means to live life on life’s terms; it isn’t always easy, however I am not afraid to ask for help. Life is choices and I look to make the best choices that are suitable for me and for that, I am grateful to the Phoenix House. - Gregory"
"I am 42 years old and I am a recovering alcoholic/addict/person in recovery. I was referred to the Phoenix House for intensive outpatient treatment as part of my Sobriety Court program. For the first time in my life, I was connected with people who understood and helped me to understand my disease. What helped me most was the love, compassion, and support from all of the counselors. The Enhanced Women's Program definitely gets a thumbs up from me. They are comfortable, educational, fun, and friendly groups. My life is better because I chose sobriety. I am proud of my recovery. I have a little over two years of being sober. Recovery is the way of life. I am also proud that I have achieved becoming a Certified Recovery Coach with the help of the Phoenix House. Thank you Phoenix House!! - Jenifer"
"I had a chronic addiction and have been to treatment seven times and in five treatment centers. I can truly say Phoenix House saved my life. Prior to coming here, I had a needle in my arm and a tube going to my heart feeding me antibiotics for my heart infection caused by my drug use, which almost killed me. After my 15 years of drug use, I finally found a place that showed me what it’s like to have true faith and hope in other people, and not just be another statistic for another treatment facility. Phoenix House showed me that my expectations for my life are endless.
Now I can say that I have over 9 months clean and am a steady volunteer at the House. Holding a job for the first time in my life, and it’s all thanks to God, the program, and the staff at the Phoenix House showing me that it is possible. - Rick"
""My experience here at the House this time around showed me these patterns and cycles I have been living. It showed me where I was going wrong and doing wrong. It showed me how to live again without the use of a substance. The Phoenix House has played a major role in saving this addicts life. I can honestly say I'm blessed to have been able to be a part of this house. Thank you P.H. staff for believing in me when I could not believe in myself." - K.C."
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